Sunday 9 July 2017


Tardy Post (September 2016)

In my life I have had some really memorable birthdays.   My mother started it all by ensuring her children were pampered on their birthdays.   This meant that no one
(insert siblings here) were allowed to hit, yell, be rude or get the birthday person into trouble.  It certainly was a special day!   We also got cake, presents and sometimes a party.
So, birthdays have always been a little special to me, not just mine but everyone's.   In 2002 on my birthday we bought  H2OBO.  Since leaving Toronto I've enjoyed different kinds of  birthdays, I just never knew where I might be or with who.

My 1st birthday  (after leaving Toronto) was in Hubbards Cove, Nova Scotia.   We were putting the boat back together after the hurricane had passed, holding on to a flaying jib sheet, which snapped and broke my nose.   My birthday was spent having my crooked nose realigned.  Branko, using the event to his advantage, said he gave me a nose job for my birthday.

My 2nd birthday was just after crossing the Atlantic, we were enjoying the southern coast of Spain, Almerimar.  Our friends Fumi and Yoshi were with us.  Turns out Fumi's  birthday and mine were only days apart so Yoshi and Branko made a delicious meal and we celebrated together in Japanese style.

3rd birthday was in Croatia.  We were anchored in Cavtat and had just met an interesting Australian couple.  They invited us over for dinner and I inadvertently said it was my birthday., hehehe.   This couple who did not know us, but ended up making us a delicious coconut curry, made a birthday cake, gave me presents
(which I still use and cherish) and plied us with bottles of Australian champagne.  All the while a huge storm was blowing, lighting, thunder, rain and wind, but we hardly noticed.   This couple was so interesting all else was forgotten.  They had a hot air balloon business in Alice Springs that they built from nothing.  And were at this time planning to expand the business into China.  Their stories were unbelievable.

4th birthday was sailing across the Adriatic from Montenegro to Otranto, Italy.  Branko says it was a planned moonlight cruise, very romantic.   Our friends Jeff, Gayle and the Neptune crew met us in Crotone and anchored in the commercial port they threw me a party.  Food, glorious food, live music and laughter.   Oh and presents:-)  a t-shirt I wanted with Croatian writing from Jeff and Gayle.   Vanessa learned a song I liked on her guitar and played and sung it to me.   Thoughtful people.

5th birthday was in Ragusa, Sicily.   A picnic in the Eucalyptus forest with Ange, Samantha and Branko.   Birthday cake, picnic fixings, presents (smoked mussels, thank you Ange) and just knowing how again, the thoughtfulness of people cause they knew I love a picnic!

6th birthday was in Taromina with George, Donna, Branko and Jenn.   We had dinner out at a restaurant that George and Donna knew.  Turns out the owner loves George and Donna so my birthday got more exciting with champagne, birthday cake and a minstrel show.  The food was wonderful and the generosity again of new friends left me smiling and happy.

7th birthday (7 already? Where does the time go?)  Arrival in Greece after a 2 day and night sail from Montenegro.  Entering Greece, sailing along the north coast of Corfu and then anchoring below the ancient Venetian fort in Corfu town.  Simply magical, especially after a swim in warm, clear blue waters.  A few days later we had an impromptu party on Umata in Preveza.   Paula from Safari decided that my birthday shall now be celebrated on the 16th instead of the 14th.  New friends met, again:-)
Thank you to my wonderful friends in Toronto, who never ever missed my birthday and all the new friends I've met these past 7 years.


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