Saturday 23 July 2011

Wall painting in the Azores

Horta , completed painting

Designing the painting in Horta
Helping Meredith, Flores

Flores sign, finished product
Painting your boat name, dates, picture and/or some design that represents your crew and boat is necessary here in the Azores.  It is said (not sure by who) that if you leave Horta without leaving your mark bad joojoo will follow you and your boat - well of course Anne and I could have none of that.  So to avoid and discourage the bad luck (joojoo) we painted not one,  but 3 paintings and helped with a fourth  :-)

Flores, the new marina encouraged paintings, so we started there with bare walls (very different then here in Horta, where space is a challenge.)  And began the tradition of wall painting in Flores.

Check to see the differences in the two H2OBO paintings - and yes I did contribute to the painting (lettering) and Anne was the artist.  I was the picture taker, obviously :-)


Anne, she is such a kid :-)

En route to completing, Flores

2nd sign we made for S'ours, Flores


Anne said...

I recall several photos being taken with Maggie as the star... hmmm... must find those and post them. If not here at least on my blog! hehe ;)

Nolan Anderson said...

I might want to visit Azore one of these days. It's a place with a very nice tradition. Better yet, a place for artistic and creative people. =)