Wednesday 20 July 2011

Black Swans

My friends in finance will understand the significance of "Black Swans".  This is a term that denotes the occurrence of rare events.  Supposedly one rarely finds black swans in nature and, similarly, certain financial catastrophes should only happen rarely.

Well, here is a couple of rarities that I photographed living in the central park in Horta.  Perhaps even rarer is the occasion for a prairie boy from Winnipeg sailing his boat over here to snap a picture of them.  I hope this does not bode ill for global markets.

Horta is a charming town, somewhat more cosmopolitan than the towns in Flores, and we will stay here a few more days before we sail for Sao Miguel.  The marina is fairly inexpensive and it is worth the money to be able to rinse the saltwater from H2OBO.  There are many shops and amenities that make Horta a favorite stop for ocean voyagers and European vacationers.


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